Contact Us

Contact Info

You can contact or visit us in our office From Saturday to Thursday. 7:30am to 12:00 pm & 3:30pm to 8:00pm.

  • H. Office King Faisal St. P.O. Box 27,
  • +966 13 833 1650+966 13 832 3318
  • +966 13 833 1457
  • Branches
  • Khudariyah Br.
    Tel.: +966 13 837 7490
    Fax.: +966 13 837 6380

    Khaldiyah Br.
    Tel.: +966 13 857 8280
    Fax.: +966 13 814 1200

    Abu Hadriyah Br.
    Tel.: +966 13 819 2350
    Fax.: +966 13 819 2340

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